TPP launches PRIMIS FLU-CAT study

TPP launches PRIMIS FLU-CAT study

TPP is working with the University of Nottingham on the PRIMIS FLU-CAT study. The study seeks to indicate which patients may be at risk of developing COVID-19 complications as opposed to those who can be safely managed at home.

The FLU-CAT study has been designated an Urgent Public Health Research study by the Department of Health and Social Care. It has the full support of the NIHR Clinical Research Network and Health and Care Research Wales, and has been endorsed by the Chief Medical Officer, Professor Chris Whitty.

TPP has published two system-wide templates for the PRIMIS FLU-CAT study. A protocol will be published next week (13/04) that will trigger the assessment template when one of the following is entered:

– An influenza-like illness or confirmed influenza diagnosis
– A suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection

The templates are called:
– PRIMIS FLU-CAT COVID-19 Assessment v3.0
– PRIMIS FLU-CAT COVID-19 Outcome v1.0

These templates were developed for triage in the surge phase of a pandemic as part of the FLU-CAT Study and have been adapted for use in the current COVID-19 pandemic by PRIMIS at the University of Nottingham. They are designed to be used by any practice in consultation with a patient with suspected COVID-19.The FLU-CAT study team will use de-identified data to help refine the template over the coming weeks.

The programme has been designated an ‘Urgent Public Health Research Study’ by the Department of Health and Social Care. It has the full support of the NIHR Clinical Research Network and Health and Care Research Wales, and has been endorsed by the Chief Medical Officer, Professor Chris Whitty.

The study has been funded under an NIHR Pandemic themed research call. Sharing of data with the research team at the University of Nottingham is supported and controlled by COVID-19 – Notice under Regulation 3(4) of the Health Service Control of Patient Information Regulations 2002 (COPI).

Further information on the FLU-CAT study and how to use the template can be found at