TPP Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

TPP Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

About TPP

TPP is a manufacturer and supplier of IT products and services for the health and social care sector. TPP operates primarily in the United Kingdom but also has customers and business relations abroad, and is continuing its international expansion with the aim of improving the healthcare and patient experience.


TPP, alongside its general commitment to progress sustainable corporate and community responsibilities and values, is committed to ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking does not take place in its domestic or international business or in any part of its supply chains. TPP conducts regular due diligence reviews and is satisfied that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in its supply chains. TPP has a number of established internal policies and controls in place to ensure that staff are aware of the risk associated with modern slavery and human trafficking, and that the company’s ethical standards are maintained at all times.

TPP takes a zero tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking and intends to actively respond to changing landscapes and any associated risk with the aim to help eradicate modern slavery.

TPP Policy on Slavery and Human Trafficking

TPP is committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in its supply chains nor in any part of its business. TPP has exercised due diligence in consulting with key sub suppliers and monitored their external output relating to modern slavery and human trafficking to ensure adherence to The Modern Slavery Act (2015) throughout its immediate and extended supply chains.

TPP’s Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy, supported by our wider values, standards and codes of conduct underpinning ethical work principles, reflects the company’s collective commitment to act ethically and with integrity in all of its business relationships, and to implement and enforce effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place.

TPP encourages transparency and open reporting of any actual or suspected cases of modern slavery or human trafficking. This is bolstered by internal policies that provide information relating to the identification of modern slavery and human trafficking and contain reporting obligations and guidance for staff.

Due Diligence Processes for Slavery and Human Trafficking

In order to ensure that due diligence is applied throughout the different stages of its business activities, TPP mandates that all of its employees, across all teams, adhere to TPP’s Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy. This is done to assist the company with the prevention, detection and reporting of modern slavery and human trafficking, both internally and in the company’s dealings with third parties.

TPP includes mandatory contractual clauses relating to modern slavery and human trafficking in all of its agreements to ensure that suppliers, collaborators and other third parties connected to TPP are also committed to maintaining an ethical approach to its business activities.

As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk within the company itself, TPP performs checks during its employment process to ensure that any prospective employee is legally eligible to work in the UK. TPP’s employees must also undertake background checks and pass security clearance. TPP is satisfied that these measures will help to identify victims of trafficking or slavery.

Actions Taken in the Past 12 Months

During the last financial year, TPP has acted on its previous commitment of ensure that all of its contractual documentation explicitly references The Modern Slavery Act (2015). TPP’s suite of in-house contractual documentation now includes clauses that obligate the other party to adhere to anti-slavery and human trafficking practices, both internally and within their supply chains. This means that all new agreements entered into place a contractual obligation on the other party to adhere to the Act, ensuring that TPP only conducts business with those who are committed to maintaining an equally ethical approach to their business activities. This helps to guarantee that TPP’s immediate and extended supply chains are free from modern slavery and human trafficking.

TPP has again assessed its existing business relationships with third party organisations. This includes conducting a review of TPP’s relevant key suppliers’ compliance with The Modern Slavery Act (2015), reviewing their Slavery and Human Trafficking Statements. The review was performed to ensure continued compliance with the Act in TPP’s immediate and extended supply chains. The review also included steps to assess whether there were any new suppliers that now fall within the scope of the review.

During the last 12 months, TPP has reviewed and updated internal policies relating to modern slavery and human trafficking. Updated information has been provided to employees, and additional channels to report actual or suspected cases of modern slavery and human trafficking have been communicated.

All TPP staff have been reminded of the company’s policies in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking and have been encouraged to actively engage with the issues these policies raise.

No cases of either suspected or confirmed slavery or human trafficking have been identified.

Modern Slavery-Related Priorities for the Year Ahead

TPP will continue to monitor to identify and mitigate risks, particularly those exacerbated by factors affecting current labour shortages.

TPP aims to review its approach to staff training relating to modern slavery and human trafficking, with the aim of adopting new training methods, creating greater awareness of the matters and increased engagement with the topics.

TPP will continue to review its policies and practices on a regular basis and update these as appropriate.

This statement was approved by TPP’s directorship on 1 August 2023.

Frank Hester OBE
CEO and Founder                                                                                                                                                          August 2023

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of The Modern Slavery Act (2015) and constitutes TPP’s Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year ending 2023.

TPP’s financial year ends on 31 March.

Find TPP’s previous Slavery and Human Trafficking Statements below: