Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

Running Extracts and Reports can become a daily challenge. SystmOne provides standardised data output through nationally mandated extracts, intuitive front end reporting and complete data downloads which are essential to performing complex analytics. This empowers BI specialists to extract data and drive outcomes through advanced algorithms and machine learning. Features of the Business Intelligence system include:

AI & Machine Learning

  • Algorithmic tools to aid early detection and prevention of diseases, improving wellbeing and reducing costs
  • Patient journey optimisation to allow efficient resource allocation
  • Localised machine learning algorithms to optimise results based on local demographics

Full Data Extracts

  • Automatically extract data on patient attendance, appointment duration, etc
  • Run analytics to identify areas of improvement

Graphical Reporting Query Builder

  • Deep analysis into care quality measures
  • Assessing effectiveness of care through population health analytics and predictive modelling
  • Customise analysis to focus on areas of interest

Real-Time Audit Trails

  • Full record of all care and administrative activities